Bilkent Composition presents Krassimir STEREV

Join us for a special concert at Bilkent Theater Hall featuring world-class accordionist Krasimir Sterev, currently one of the most sought-after musicians in the field. Witness the premiere of new pieces crafted for him by our composers, honed through a workshop during the week and presented in a concert on March 4th. Monday, March 4th, […]

Karlheinz Essl: Portrait Concert

Bilkent Konser Salonu Üniversiteler, 1598. Cd. No:1, 06800 Çankaya/Ankara, Ankara

22 Mart Cuma, 20:00 Bilkent Konser Salonu Ezgi Demirel, piyano Jennifer Tipton, ses Karlheinz Essl, elektronikler


Ums’n Jip: Yeni Müzik Konseri


20 April 2024, 20:00 A.A. Saygun Uygulama Salonu UMS 'n JIP Ulrike Mayer-Spohn (UMS), recorders & electronics and Javier Hagen (JIP), voice & electronics. PROGRAM Motoharu Kawashima (*1972, JPN) Das Lachenmann IV, 2017   Tokzhan Karatai (*1994, KAZ/TUR) The Lost Energy, 2023   Beat Gysin (*1968, CHE) Der Spanier, 2007   UMS (*1980, CHE) In […]